ceus 2 enjoy


The enjoyment of high level and interesting educational opportunities is our focus.  This goes way out of bounds compared to what we were all offered in the graduate school setting and realistically today with other continuing educational providers.  We will share up science and more for a satisfying  mandated requirement of licensure renewal.

CEU credit is calculated by the time invested, in other words, typically a one hour  presentation would be worth twice that of a half hour offering.  There is a drop down test after the video is viewed– then there are three tries to access the passing point of 70%.  This accomplished and a certificate of CEU credit is awarded.

This video on the left is an example of forward-looking educational offerings by TherapistCare.   It is about TELEMENTAL HEALTH tips for the Professional.  We’re also open to and appreciate your suggestions for other offerings.

We offer solid ethics courses and other mainstay courses to continue to support and strengthen our profession.  We look toward real learning heights (some “ethics” through animation).

The novel courses we offer are also intended  to stimulate your further interest in and investigative needs of our profession and what it offers the public.  We’re each needed to deeply care.

School is never out for the pro! Whether it’s a necessary scholastic pursuit or requirement it needs to draw you in to be an enthusing time.  We at  www.ceus2enjoy.com believe in that with our eye-opening research.

The above video displays the glaring truth about the world of psychiatric harm in the community –as well as the harm to the patient and their family.  I do believe that TRUTH is a freeing and healing element we’re able today to realize.  Renaissance.

Nutritional Aspects (video above) for mental health continue to open our eyes with excitement and hope.  Did you know there are clinical trials that took place 50 years ago using Niacinamide to successfully help those with Schizophrenia?

We are here to specifically blow your socks off with divulging timely and sought after information about the state of the mental health world so you can better and lovingly address this in your practice.  Kudos.

TIME FOR A BIT OF COMEDY: This comes out of The Bob Newhart Show of the 1970″s where as a psychologist he treats….(6 min.)

Beautifully and simply put- your time is valuable and we focus on impacting it with valuable insights so that it adds more TRUTH and CLARITY for all.

The videos below are again a sampling of some of the practical and needed topics you’ll find.  The first one is about “self esteem issues” looking at kids’ needs while the one below it refers to gerontology in a pleasant and meaningful look at a married for over 80 years!

The BASICS:  STILL SO IMPORTANT. The Hierarchy of Needs by Maslow, above.

You were born to make a difference in many avenues of your life and relationships and realize the importance of that person in the mirror—

When you’re loving and available to yourself and the realization of focusing on your journey…everything and everyone else–benefits–and life falls into place.

Einstein said “I wish I could think the way———– that God thinks”