Coaching by Seniors

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


I must be a wise senior.  I’ve worked hard and faithfully my whole life.  I still have a vitality to add to the joy and  goodness of my life and others I have not yet met.

Some of us are known as BOOMERS.  My grandchildren look at us weird sometimes.

Some of us are graciously given generational sweetness.    A true gift.  Gratitude seems to make it all flow.

You appreciate a meaningful life.  You have never followed the crowd but listened to that small still voice that you realized you had so much to give.  Especially now.  You are God’s unique child . 

You look for the vitality of life.  A day that includes listening to someone’s heart and being in their presence without judgement but rather being the Cheerleader they need to confront what they need to on this their journey.  They feel special that they get to spend time with you and that you find them of value to do so.  Some people don’t often feel that.  How precious is this time spent with this person who’s trying to navigate a good life?  How precious is this time to you that you can look forward to next week and being there for your client?  Significantly so.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jeanne Robertson Comedy on YouTube.  A Senior’s perspective and then some…and the video below is The Dry Bar Comedy “Old Age is Worse Than You Think”…  enjoy!

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Listening and affirming another human being through their positive changes– relieving their stress–knowing they’re not alone– while sleeping soundly in your new significance…

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